It is, January 19th, and it was 46 degrees today. It is supposed to be above freezing during the daytime, for the next ten days. Great weather for the bees. They have had cleansing flights in the last couple of days.
I checked hives, and I have lost three at this point. One was a small single nuc.. I knew better... The otehr two were strong hives, and both had nosema.. I am not sure what I could do for them. Meaning MORE that I could have done. I fed syrup with Fumadil B to each hive. Perhaps I will need to UP my concentration. It is obvious those hives didnt have enough.
The other/rest of the hives are still doing well. I will get into them this weekend to check their sugar blocks again.
In other news? I was given the news that the process for approving Oxalic Acid for use in bee hives has been started, and that we were months away from that approval... WHAT!!! YES!!!!
Unfortunately, it is on Beesource Forums. I dont go there any longer. I dont need the Drama, so I had a friend go for me, and he sent me this;
As promised in another thread, I contacted Ms. Meredith Laws of the EPA regarding the approval of OA for use in beehives. On behalf of Ms. Laws, Rubin Baris returned my call.
The USDA is acting as registrant of record (vs Monsanto or some other chemical company) for OA, so that the tremendous fees to get OA approved are waived.
OA will be approved in use in both syrup and vaporization
The EPA relied upon both Canadian and other sources for it's studies.
The approval is merely "months away." It is in the final stages of approval before going to the Federal Register.
Brushy Mountain will be the first to market OA. Now, what is not known is how BM will market OA be it in a syrup or for use in a vaporizer or both...
I'm guessing that other suppliers (Mann Lake, Dadant etc) will soon join in under the "me too" provision.
Here's the "unspoken" catch. While OA is available in many places, you can only use OA in accordance with its label. So if you used OA supplied by another source (and hence not having the "approved for use in beehives" label, you are in effect in violation. Brushy Mountain will have that wording on the OA label. Your source for the Varrox Mite Killing
OA Vaporizer "One of the highest ranked" by R. Oliver
I checked hives, and I have lost three at this point. One was a small single nuc.. I knew better... The otehr two were strong hives, and both had nosema.. I am not sure what I could do for them. Meaning MORE that I could have done. I fed syrup with Fumadil B to each hive. Perhaps I will need to UP my concentration. It is obvious those hives didnt have enough.
The other/rest of the hives are still doing well. I will get into them this weekend to check their sugar blocks again.
In other news? I was given the news that the process for approving Oxalic Acid for use in bee hives has been started, and that we were months away from that approval... WHAT!!! YES!!!!
Unfortunately, it is on Beesource Forums. I dont go there any longer. I dont need the Drama, so I had a friend go for me, and he sent me this;
As promised in another thread, I contacted Ms. Meredith Laws of the EPA regarding the approval of OA for use in beehives. On behalf of Ms. Laws, Rubin Baris returned my call.
The USDA is acting as registrant of record (vs Monsanto or some other chemical company) for OA, so that the tremendous fees to get OA approved are waived.
OA will be approved in use in both syrup and vaporization
The EPA relied upon both Canadian and other sources for it's studies.
The approval is merely "months away." It is in the final stages of approval before going to the Federal Register.
Brushy Mountain will be the first to market OA. Now, what is not known is how BM will market OA be it in a syrup or for use in a vaporizer or both...
I'm guessing that other suppliers (Mann Lake, Dadant etc) will soon join in under the "me too" provision.
Here's the "unspoken" catch. While OA is available in many places, you can only use OA in accordance with its label. So if you used OA supplied by another source (and hence not having the "approved for use in beehives" label, you are in effect in violation. Brushy Mountain will have that wording on the OA label. Your source for the Varrox Mite Killing
OA Vaporizer "One of the highest ranked" by R. Oliver