The Four Seasons and your Bees
The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man it is to know that and to wonder at it.
~ Jacques Yves Cousteau
Feeding and treating. Splits/Nuc's, re queening, and setting up the swarm boxes. Hopefully the capture of swarms and installing them in hives.
Inspections, Summer nuc's, Cut Outs.
Inspections, Treating, Honey Harvest and bottling.
Preparing the hives for cold, wind and snow!
I will go through each season and explain the things I do. My seasons and yours may not be the same, so use a little discretion when comparing methods.
I have some pictures up, and will add more as each season comes and goes. I will also do some Vids of splitting, re queening, Hiving Packages etc. So check in often for updates!
Temperatures here fluctuate a LOT.. We have seen 114 Degrees in July, and we have seen -39 in February.
Those temps make beekeeping difficult. Fortunately those temps are the extremes. Average temps for this area are 16 degrees in January, and 87 in July. If, when, the temps remain within the averages it is much easier to keep bees alive and thriving.
This winter of 2013/2014 was an indication of the dangers of becoming complacent. There were a LOT of losses among long time beekeepers. Make it a habit to always prepare for the worst.